If a three foot tall egg with the consistency of a nerf football could sing, who would have imagined it could ever possess the melodic range and ethereal timbre of Snarfopoulos' siren song. A contretenor who sings too high for a man and too low for a woman, Snarf defies all logic -- yet another Brobbit enigma. Though it has been Snarf's ambition to play the great opera houses around the world and to sign with Deutche Gramaphon, Snarf has been unable to grasp a jot of Italian, despite years of painstaking study. He has not yet mastered his own native Greek; though, to be fair to Snarf, rumor claims that he understands the languages but that a speech impediment has precluded him from maintaining an intelligible conversation or from verbalizing anything more than Mananana. He squeaks and squaks, often unable to stand still for more than a few seconds.
Though his singing voice (at times, otherworldy and other times, spastic and jarring) makes men weak and women feint, it is all that makes him remotely human. If he is indeed one of Dr. Dingboit's creations, then it's a misfortunate experiment which gave Snarf ambition to sing human lyrics but prevented him from ever articulating them. Nonetheless, Snarf has been booked to sing at Lincoln Center, most likely the smallest and oddest looking singer to flutter his vocal chords in its hallowed halls. |